19 December 2011

The Fortune Cookie: Part 2

Andrew crouched down. “Oh my God. I haven’t heard from him in four years. I always thought he might be coming back eventually. I reserve a table for us here every week just in case. I didn’t know why he all of a sudden disappeared, but just held hope I would hear from him eventually.” He stood back up and put his hands on his hips. “Look. I’m grateful for your help so far, but I don’t know about this. I didn’t even know my dad did anything like this, or that he was still involved in any of it. I’m going to go home now that I’m out of that restaurant and try to make sense of all of this.” Andrew walked past Michael toward the alley’s exit. A loud crack interrupted him followed by sparks from the dumpster as a bullet whizzed past his head. 

“Get behind me!” Michael grabbed Andrew by the back of his shirt and threw him into the corner between the dumpster and the wall. He drew his silenced pistol and returned fire at the masked man on the fire escape walkway above, striking him twice in the chest and once in the head. A Masada assault rifle clanged to the next landing as the combat-loaded man rolled down the metal stairs. Michael reached for his phone with his left hand while scanning the rooftops. “Baker, where are you! We’re under fire!” he barked into the device before checking the screen. “They’re jamming us! Looks like we’re on our own until Baker gets here.” Michael jammed his phone back into his suit and resumed his lookout.

Shots pinged against the other side of the dumpster as Michael’s back was turned. Three more men slowly advanced toward them, their heavy weapons firing relentlessly.

“Looks like we’re kind of screwed then, doesn’t it?” Andrew said dryly from the corner where he tried in vain to merge himself with the wall.

“We’ll get out of here yet.” Michael turned from cover and blindly fired four shots at their attackers.

Three quiet pops were barely audible through the thunder of the assault weapons bearing down on the pair and then silence.

“Come on! Let’s go!” cried another voice.

“Time to move!” Michael pulled Andrew to his feet and they sprinted to a black Cadillac CTS. A lanky man in a black pinstripe suit motioned for them from the driver’s seat through the open passenger door. They reached the car and Andrew dove in before Michael followed after one last scan. The driver slammed into gear and the car’s tires screeched as they sped away.

“Andrew, this is Jim. Jim, this is Andrew Duncan.” Michael motioned back and forth from the passenger seat. Andrew pulled himself up to a sitting position in the backseat. “You might want to put your seatbelt on, Andrew.” Jim drifted into a hard right turn before Andrew could finish buckling up, throwing him into the door.

“It’s going to be a rough ride,” Jim said as he straightened the wheel.

Andrew recovered and strapped himself in. His wide eyes darted to and from Michael and Jim in the front of the car. “So could someone please tell me what the hell is going on? First I get his weird fortune cookie telling me I have to leave everything and the next thing I know I’m in an alley being told my father, who I haven’t even seen in almost half a decade, by the way, was just killed four days ago. Now I’m in a car with two spooks running from a gunfight! What the hell is going on?” Andrew swung his head around and glanced through the back window.

“As I was saying before we were interrupted, your father worked with our company testing early prototypes for our semi-organic implants. These implants are still in the highly experimental phase of development, but already have the potential to change the world.”

“You’re not telling me shit,” Andrew said, glaring at Michael.

Michael turned to face Andrew and met his gaze. “What I’m going to tell you now you must swear to never tell anyone else, ever, under any circumstances. Do you understand me?”

“Yes already! I’m sick of the secrecy. Why am I so important?”

“These implants, while originally designed and intended for medical use, have attracted the attention of some organizations that have ties to government. The particular organization we encountered today is the one that murdered your father. They took the implants your father was field testing in order to reverse engineer them. They want to use these to create the next generation of weapons.”

“So you mean like Mega Man’s hand”

“I guess you could use that analogy, though it’s a crude idea of what could be possible, should they succeed. The reason they want you is because removing your father’s implants killed him. They need someone new to test theirs with, and it would be much easier to have you than to start from scratch. Your father worked on development of the stolen implants and was the volunteer for field trials.”

“Which I presume started four years ago, when he went missing.”

“Correct. Your father knew the risk involved with the trials including what could happen if the organization knew your identity. He chose to distance himself from you to protect you.”

Andrew stared at his feet. “I didn’t know. Just a letter or a call to let me know he was still around would have worked.”

“To do so would have risked your discovery. Near the time of his death he expressed his concern to us about his situation and about yours. We didn’t act until it was too late, so we found you.”

As they passed through the middle of the next block a silver Suburban shot from the alley and slammed into the side of the sedan, sliding it over the curb and into the row of shops across the street.

Andrew wearily opened his eyes to the sound of gunfire. Michael and Jim were behind the now upside down Cadillac firing at the attackers with assault rifles. His vision faded again as he passed out.

Andrew drifted back to consciousness. His head pounded. He reached up to cradle his head and brought back bloody hands. He was moving. “Andrew! You with me?” Jim shouted over the gunfire. Andrew watched the firefight unfold as Jim dragged him away from the wreck by the back of his shirt. Michael crouched behind the trunk of the car and reloaded his rifle. He knocked the magazine against the ground and jammed it into the weapon. He fired from around the tail of the car at the men on the opposite building’s roof. Their muzzle flashes were greeted by brick shards as Michael’s shots reached the ledge, striking one man in the collarbone as he ducked for cover.

Andrew felt a sharp pain in his thigh. “My leg!” His voice sounded far away. “I’m hit!”

“We’re almost there…” Jim sounded desperate.

His leg felt warm and wet. He looked down. Red. Blood all over his pants. He looked back to Jim. They were almost to a dumpster in an alley. It looked the same as before. He sung his head back to the fight. His vision lagged. “Jim? My leg.” His voice echoed.

Jim tucked him into the corner opposite the gunfire. He kneeled in front of him and took his tie off. He reached in his jacket. Silver medical clamps appeared. “Andrew? I need you to stay with me now.” He seemed so far away. Another sharp pain in his leg. Blurriness. Black.

16 December 2011

The Fortune Cookie: Part 1

The streetlights flickered to life outside as Andrew asked for the check. “I’ve never seen the Golden Dragon so packed,” he thought as he waited for the waiter to return. The dim light of the lamps shining on gilded wall panels gave the restaurant a kind of seedy charm. Andrew searched the dining room. “It normally doesn’t take them this long,” he muttered.

In the years surrounding his father’s sudden disappearance Andrew hadn’t missed a single weekly visit to the Golden Dragon. The two would eat together every Friday. His father was the only family Andrew had left, and every week he would walk in half-expecting to see him waiting at their usual table, only to be greeted by an empty booth.

He could make out a waiter walking briskly toward his table, but there was something different. The waiter arrived and handed Andrew the check and a fortune cookie. Andrew signed the check and handed the folder back to the waiter without raising his head, and started at his cookie. He noticed the waiter was still standing slightly behind him. Andrew turned around to face him.

“Do you need anything?” Andrew looked into the man’s face. The waiter’s face was flushed, with a few drops of sweat beginning to form on his brow.

“You need to read your fortune,” the waiter answered, with a nervous expression on his face.

“Why do you need to be here when I do? Aren’t these things supposed to be personal?” Andrew said.

“I need to make sure you read it.”

“Whatever.” Andrew said under his breath, and turned back to the cookie sitting on the zodiac place mat. He cracked it in half.

Your life is in danger. Say nothing to anyone. You must leave the city immediately and never return. Say nothing.

Andrew sat staring at the paper for a moment, stunned. He turned back around.

“What’s the meaning of this? Is this some kind of jo-” Andrew stopped mid-sentence. The waiter was gone. The din of the crowded dining room took no notice of the strange occurrence and Andrew removed his napkin from his lap and slowly walked to the restroom, head swiveling on his shoulders as he pondered the fortune cookie’s message. A suited man rose from a table near the kitchen entrance and followed.

Andrew pushed open the chipped white door to the men’s room and went to the sink. He scrubbed his hands. The door creaked open and slammed shut. A large man in a grey suit stared at him through the grubby mirror.

“Can I help you?” Andrew said.

The man stared at Andrew. “Are you Andrew Duncan?”

Andrew turned off the sink and snatched a paper towel from the dispenser. He turned to face the man and wiped his hands. “Who wants to know?”

“My name is Michael Sullivan. You shouldn’t have come here tonight; you’re in great danger.”

“Tell me something I don’t already know. Listen. I come here every Friday for the buffet without so much as a nod from the staff. Now all of a sudden I get a slip of paper inside my fortune cookie and I’m being threatened? I want to know what’s going on!” Andrew’s voice rose as he continued his rant. Michael stared him in the eyes. “Are you just going to stand here in my way or what?” Andrew waved his arms and motioned at Michael to step aside.

“I’m here to help you.” Michael stepped back and folded his arms across his chest. His suit opened up slightly and from under the lapel Andrew noticed a black knob protruding slightly. “We only have a limited window of opportunity to leave the city. Do you have everything you need?” Michael leaned against the wall and glanced out the window and at the door as he spoke.

“Yeah I guess. When do we have to leave?”

“Right now.” Michael had already moved to the door, which he held slightly ajar, and was scanning the dining area. “We can’t leave this way though. It’s too visible.” He gently closed the door and walked back over to the window, where he peered out into the garbage-ridden alley. On the left side of the window a concrete wall blocked access to the other half of the alley. Soggy cardboard boxes were piled high in a sagging mountain against the concrete wall. Michael looked to the right to see the opening of the narrow alley, partially obscured by an overflowing dumpster covered in graffiti. “The alley looks clear. Time to go.” He announced as he opened the window further and climbed out.

Andrew clambered out the window after him and dropped down the six feet to the street. He landed on a ripped trash bag from the dumpster and his right foot sloshed into a mound of egg foo young. Andrew looked down in disgust. “Ugh. Why?” He walked stiff-legged to the cardboard mountain to wipe his shoe off. “I just got these shoes a week ago, you know?” he called over to Michael.

“Stop worrying about your shoes and just stay quiet. We’ve got bigger things to worry about right about now.” Michael shot back. He pulled out a phone and tapped two buttons before bringing it to his ear. “Baker, it’s Sullivan. Alley next to the Golden Dragon. We’re ready for pick-up. Yeah I’ve got him.” Michael stood in the middle of the alley with his feet planted widely as he spoke. His coat hung open and Andrew got a better look at him. The grip of a nine millimeter pistol hung out from a shoulder holster under the coat, and Andrew could just see the outline of a vest underneath Michael’s shirt. “We’re going to sit tight here.”

Andrew’s eyes widened at Michael’s statement. “You guys like CIA or something?” Andrew said.

“Sort of.” Michael leaned against the brick wall. “Before you were born your father worked with our company testing early prototypes for our semi-organic implants. When you were born your genes were sequenced and you have very close matches to his, to the point of… usefulness.” Michael said. “We followed you to the restaurant and paid the staff to assist us in verifying your identity. They brought us your teacup and we did a field sequence of your DNA.”

“So what, you want me because of my genes? That’s it?” Andrew straightened up as he spoke.

“You can help change the lives of thousands.” Michael continued. “There are those who would see that it never happens, though, and that is why you are in danger. You see in order for our work to happen you need to be alive. Your father was murdered four days ago. We only found him yesterday. We need you to continue our work.”

01 December 2011


“Ha! Got the little blood sucker,” Jim said, wiping the blood from his forearm. “Bastard didn’t even know what hit him. Got a piece of me though. I hope these mosquitoes in Sri Lanka don’t carry that one disease. What is it—East River, right? Yeah. East River.”

“Yeah sure.” Jane was transfixed by the cheesecake in front of her. “Do you think it’s safe to eat? I mean, I don’t want to ruin my Barbie good looks.” She opened her makeup compact and contorted her face examining herself.

Jim sipped his whiskey and stared out from the balcony of the hotel. “You know what this place reminds me of? King Kong’s island. It’s just so wild. You have kids playing in the streets with rusted out Tonkas and not 200 feet away there’s the jungle, wild as can be. I can just imagine Indiana Jones is hacking through thick vines on the way to investigate some ancient king’s sarcophagus inside a ruined temple or something.”

“That’s great, babe,” Jane said as she slipped the foil off a stick of gum and stuck it in her mouth. “There’s definitely something wrong with that cheesecake. I’m not eating it.”

This was written using a bank of words taken from Kanye West’s “Monster.” The goal is to create a flash fiction story using as many words from the list as you can. Give it a shot!

Blood Sucker
King Kong
Sri Lanka